Places a strip of controls in the lower left corner of your screen. These allow you to change speaker volume, switch between color and b&w, change screen resolution (only with Mac and monitors that support this feature), change the number of colors displayed, etc., without having to open a control panel. Nice. You can move the Control Strip by holding down the option key, pointing to the tab, and holding down the mouse button while you move the strip up or down the left side of your screen. You can add new modules by placing them into the "Control Strip Modules" folder in the System Folder. Works with all MacOS-based computers that use System 7.5 or above. 3rd-party modules can be downloaded at any Info-Mac Website. Version 2.0 requires the Control Strip Extension to drive it. Under OS 8.5, you can add a control strip module to the Control Strip simply by dragging the module to the Strip. To make a copy of a particular control strip module, hold down the Option key, click on a module in the Control Strip, and drag the module to the desktop. To remove a control strip module, hold down the Option key, click and hold on the module you want to remove, let go of the Option key, and drag the module to the desktop.